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Power Machines will present promising solutions for Saudi Arabia's energy sector at Made in Russia + INNOPROM

2023-05-24 14:37

Power Machines JSC offers Saudi Arabian energy and industry organizations cooperation in the format of joint development and production of equipment to meet their requirements, namely the creation of an R&D center in Saudi Arabia for joint development/R&D, as well as the adaptation of the company's existing solutions to the specifics of Saudi Arabia, with further localization of equipment production in the territory Saudi Arabia.
Made in Russia+INNOPROM will present Power Machines solutions for joint development in the following areas:
• renewable energy sources, energy storage systems and hybrid systems;
• technologies for improving the energy efficiency of traditional generation and industrial enterprises (primarily oil and gas industry enterprises), etc.

Power Machines is a global Russian power engineering company, one of the five world leaders in the industry in terms of installed equipment. The company has a wealth of experience and competence in the field of design, manufacture and complete supply of power equipment for various purposes. The key competence and competitive advantage of the company is the implementation of complex turnkey projects in the field of electric power, including, if necessary, development in accordance with customer requirements, manufacturing together with the customer on its territory, as well as commissioning and maintenance.

The list of the company's main products includes modern efficient solutions for renewable, thermal, nuclear, hydropower, electric grid complex, industry and transport.

Power Machines equipment operates in 57 countries around the world and currently has more than 300,000 MW of installed capacity. In total, over 2,300 steam turbines, 2,700 turbo generators, 860 hydraulic turbines, 650 hydro generators were manufactured.